Review | The Gig

  • News
  • January 23 2023
  • 3 min read

Movie : The Gig

Director: Xander Turian 



The question must never revolve around the ability of someone making his way through various difficulties. As that is a given. 

It must be about the time , how he does it and who would be there with that person when he does the same. 

Thus begins the short and well crafted tale titled The Gig, dexterously directed by Xander Turian.

The story primarily gyrates around three characters, Xander, Clara and Johnny. They are the members of a band sharing their love and enthusiasm for music. They are about to perform on stage when they are faced with existential questions respectively. As individuals they must confront their inner demons and contemplate their all too human concerns.

There are a myriad themes in the movie without a hint of levity. Most surround the life of an artist, the often unseen tribulations encountered by him and his perpetual struggle with repugnant forces both outside and within. The plight of an artist is quite baffling in plain view. He must pretend most of the time as people look up to him. They are placed on a sublime pedestal. Their Demi God status acts against them almost compelling them to have perfect lives without an iota of trouble. The artist must then shed his human skin and assume the status of a semi automatic stoic and unrattled machine.

The director addresses a serious problem that exists all across the entertainment industry. The profuse lack of empathy on the end of organizers, fans and other forces impede an artist from achieving various things. The repugnant and oblivious expectations demoralize them, injecting doubt in their own convictions threatening to shatter their dreams in a second.

According to the director the relentless search for perfection must come to an end. One must consider that there would come times in the life of a musician (in this case) when a plethora of doubts would arise in his mind. However, he must not concede to these forces. He must hustle and eventually overcome these doubts like Xander, Clara and Johnny do by the end of the movie. The tussle between the personal and the professional seems to be an overarching theme in the narrative. In fact the title of their gig “Our Untold Story” indicates the same. The story that stays behind the curtain, often unheard and mostly looked past.

The song at the end represents strength and resilience. The gusto in the voice of the vocalist as the song is sung almost throws a challenge at fate.

The performances are worth a mention. The actors do an amazing job as they make the scenes look honest and relatable.

The technical aspects of the movie were commendable as well. The darker lights played a potent role in bringing out the anxiety of the protagonist in certain scenes. The moments of hallucinatory dizziness following a certain uncertainty was presented in an adroit meaning. 

Music plays the role of a momentary healer in the movie. Amidst darkness, music emerges as the solo beacon of light. 

The message of sticking together in times of trouble is perhaps what the director wants the audience to take away with them. Perhaps that is the only way mankind can survive against  unknown forces threatening to take away their mirth once and for all.


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