Interview | Out of the Box

Movie: Out of the Box
Director: Anik Roy

Hello Anik, welcome to the SIFF.

Tell us how your journey started in the films?

I started my career in Animation and VFX as an artist. I love to observe and explore natural
human expressions and how people deal with different situations.
I started writing to express the emotions and fears that I couldn’t express verbally.
Writing taught me how to deal with life. When I discovered that I could make films like
the ones I watched as a kid, I was ecstatic. Also deep down, I knew that maybe, just
maybe, I could help someone else out one day and bring more talent into this field.


What made you set your heart on animation?

In my childhood we watched animation TV series and film all the time. I was thinking about the
process and their world: How they created such type of characters, Where they come from and
How they tell the story just through an animated line? When I gradually became an adult, my
inner child came out and tried to find out a way of execution through animation. Then I got to
know about the animation and VFX course to enter this field and never looked back.


Anik, how was the storyline of “Out of the Box” formed?

As a creative person our clients always tell us to make something “Out of the box” and think
“Out of the box”. But no one knows what is that “Out of the box”. Some time we are stuck in our
thought process within our mind. We can’t think what to do to come out of it. But as always,
there is a hidden way to come ‘out from the box’.



Your movie, “Out of the Box” hints at breaking traditions and doing something new. How
would you want to break the traditions in your field? What new additions would you love
to make?

This is my first film as an indie filmmaker. I was not expecting this kind of love and
appreciation I received from all over the world. The love and appreciation gives me strength and

motivation to create something new again. I do not know what will come out in my next project,
but definitely I ll try to make something new. I would love to create a signature style for my
movies. But change is the only constant. You might find something new in each of my work.
Right now I have a new project in my mind. In near future, I’ll start working on the project.
Hope you all will love that movie as well.


Anik, as a young artist in India, where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

I am working in the animation and Vfx industries from last 15 years. No one can predict it. But I
can share my thought on it. Definitely there’s been a big movement in the animation scenes right
here in India. Lot of budding artists are coming up. Personally, I would like to have many more
acclaimed movies in my portfolio. Exciting times ahead !! Let’s see…


Which works inspire you to do better? It would be great if you could share a few favorites?

This a very difficult question for me to answer. Creative things have always inspired me .Within
the world of animated films and live action films, some of the names I would like to mention
include “The Jungle Book” , “The Lion King” , “Tin tin”, “Avatar” , “ The Shaw shank
Redemption” ,”Jurassic park” , “Lord of the rings” etc. I have grown up seeing these movies and
has always been an inspiration for me.


You have recently worked as a part of the team of artists in the Bollywood movie “Brahmastra : Shiva – Part One”. Tell us how it felt to be a part of that project ?

It was really a great experience to be part of this beautiful Indian project. When I was in DNEG
India, we always worked for awesome films. Brahmastra has hit the next level in terms of usage
of VFX as compared to any other Bollywood movies. Yeah, it was challenging work. However a
fun team and great supervision from supervisors made the experience enjoyable and exciting.



Bollywood has never seen such a grandeur on screen since Ra.One. Brahmastra was able to
up the game. From this point on, how would you assess the possibilities and offerings of the
Indian animation/ VFX industry?

Yah of course!! It will definitely help the VFX industry in India. As you know, India is a big
market and has some of the largest film producer in the world. The VFX impact has not always

been looked into when creating movies. However, the success of Brahmastra will definitely
make the leading producers and filmmakers take notice. It is bound to improve the animation and
VFX market in India.


Anik, your work shows great earnesty. How did you become so devoted? How did your cultural background shape your worldview?

To do something new, one always require self-motivation. I always watch movies of great film
makers like Satyajit Ray,Christopher Nolan, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, James
Cameron,Quentin Tarantino. Theirs movies always give me a moral boost. I hail from Kolkata,
in the eastern state of India – “West Bengal”. Kolkata is the cultural capital of India.You can find
art and artist everywhere. I would say, seeing art and creativity has definitely helped my sub

Thank you Anik for having this lovely chat with us!

Lastly, I would like to know what are you planning next?

There is something cooking in my mind. Once it is ready, everyone can smell it.

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