OCTOBER 14 - OCTOBER 15, 2024

Review | QAnon: The Musical

Web –  QAnon: The Musical

Director  – Greg Bergman

Navigating the world of QAnon to find the best cast


A comedic filmmaker gets hired by a mysterious producer and he is now struggling to find the perfect cast for the musical. The web series, QAnon: The Musical is a comedy and can be referred to as a mockumentary, which means it’s a documentary that mocks. The goal of this documentary is to satirize the supporters of QAnon who have little knowledge. The fight is against the bad ideas and not the people who are supporting these ideas. The fight is to condemn the ideas related to racism, sexism, anti-LGTBQ and more. The web series QAnon: The Musical is definitely funny but it holds a deeper meaning and is done in a very commercial manner to pass on the message in a subtle but meaningful way.

The music of QAnon: The Musical is definitely worth hearing which is why it is a must to watch this web series. Although this one is fun to watch, what’s really interesting is to see the characters that walk in for the audition. While the director is very much hyped about the project, at the same time, he is wondering how to get the perfect cast to kickstart the project and get working on it. The director receives a letter from the producer who is unknown. The producer here only sends a letter to the director with certain clauses. Only if the director agrees to the set of clauses, rules and instructions would he be able to do the job, which is directing the web series. The director is elated to be a part of the project, which is why he agrees to whatever is given to him. The director first starts with finding the perfect cast for the project.

When the search for the cast starts, the director is aghast as he is finding it greatly challenging to find a person who can sing, dance and act at the same time. He finds great singers, but they just can’t act. He finds great dancers in the audition process, but these dancers turn out to be bad singers. Again, he finds great actors who can stand next to the President and sing, or dance, but the problem is that people who can act can’t sing or dance. This makes things all the more challenging for the director. A dummy President is set up during the audition and the participants are asked to perform and showcase their talents. That’s where people fail and aren’t able to deliver. The auditioning process becomes exhausting for the director, but then all of a sudden two miracles happen during the day.

Yes, on the same day, two participants come for the audition and they are simply excellent. One was a boy named Tamash and the other was a girl named Elena. Both were simply amazing. They could sing, and act, and they were wonderful for the part the director was looking for. Although the reactions of the director are amusing, the look on his satisfied face shows that he was happy and proud to have found the perfect people for his project.

In the end, the web series closes on a happy note as the director is not delighted to find the perfect people for his project. He has zeroed in on these two people after sitting for the audition and finding either incompetent people coming up or sometimes some of them are just not interested in his project or the audition at all. He calls these new talents “NewYork Miracles” and he finds it quite amusing how he found these two miracles on the same day without much effort. The web series closes on a happy note as the director moves ahead with this project with great happiness having found his perfect cast.

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