OCTOBER 15 - OCTOBER 18, 2024

Review | Fracture

Movie: Fracture

Director: James Huynh 

” Hell is other people…” 

                   –  Jean Paul Sartre 

Fracture is a tale about an urge or various urges gyrating around broken people both inside and outside. The story involves four policemen who care very little about law and pose as the antithesis to order. Three of them are involved in a scuffle about a certain unexpected occurrence. They are inside a car being erratically driven by one of them. However, there is another person in the car. A muffled gibberish can be heard from the back of the car. Evidently he has been put there by someone. The narrative proceeds ahead as the four of them start fighting against each other for a reason that is never revealed in the movie. If the fight is to reveal something or protect it is concealed in the abyss of time and omniscience. 

The officers are clearly on the run. Their sense of power appears to be evaporating by the second. Their uniforms look like shambolic manifestations of pretense. They are being hunted down like beings turned haywire. 

The title of the movie ‘Fracture’ suggests a kind of deviation. A deviation both physical and mental. An external injury, a fractured conscience or both. 

The movie is a classic example of an action thriller driven ahead by minimalism with well choreographed action sequences. They appear realistic without losing even an iota of brutality about them. Some sequences even appear well framed. The intense performances of the actors are a testament to the effort put in by each and every one of them. 

The movie begins with someone talking about police corruption on the radio that has played a direct part in the chaos that ensues later. Something that is a sad reality in places across the globe. 

The background score adds to the intense suspense of the movie. Sound plays a potent role in retaining the attention of the viewers throughout. 

The performances of all the four actors are worth a mention. Jye Hawley, Mark Adams, Stefan Weerarathna, Sunny S Walia do an impeccable job in the skin of their respective characters.  

The screenplay must also be appreciated for keeping the tale brief, simple yet profound and thrilling. 

The themes of deceit and chaos play pivotal roles in the movie. One paving the way for another. Representing a system full of worms ready to devour each other. 

On the screen there appear four fractured personalities. Perhaps affected by avarice or the ravages of time. By the end of the movie they appear physically fractured as well, adding truth to the premonitions of Bernard Shaw about mankind outperforming mother nature in times of destruction. There are very little redeemable aspects ascertained to the characters. Though they are broken, they are victims of their own demons. They are not compelled to become violent, they choose to become violent. There is intent in their kicks, punches, jabs and gunshots. 

There is a bloodbath on the screen hinting at the human tendency for violence. Both the direction and the cinematography significantly contribute to making the movie an action thriller as flawless as it can be. 

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